
Monday, October 14, 2013

This Monday was unlike most others.

First of all, Brianna and Mom didn't go anywhere! That made me happy. We stayed home together and I got to be on my line. I love my line! And then nobody stopped by to pick Brianna and I up tonight. So that was nice. Mom and Dad didn't go anywhere, either.

It's so annoying being a dog. You can't do anything. Nobody tells you anything! I'm sure there was a reason that today was different, but nobody told me why! When you're a dog, everybody thinks you don't need to know. But you do! Dogs need to know what's going on just as much as people do! But no, Mom never sits me down like she does with Brianna and explains "this is what we're doing today". And when she does do that with Brianna, I'm usually napping on my pile of pillows. And it's not like I can just check the calendar -- that's four feet above my head! How people treat dogs is not fair.

Like Brianna! She keeps calling me "a twit"! Ever since she heard a lady call her English Sheepdog that was rolling around in the water a twit, she's been calling ME a twit every time I do something she considers even remotely stupid or annoying! It's so mean and so rude! It really hurts my feelings. :( And Mom says "you're gonna hurt her feelings!" and Brianna says "she has no idea what I mean!" But I DO know what she means and it DOES hurt my feelings!!! It's not nice!!! :'(

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