
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

As I was saying earlier

This Christmas thing, right? Well it must be REALLY special because it even has special music! It's really nice music, too. With Brass sections! (I don't know exactly what that means, but they're Brianna's like, favorite thing. I wasn't supposed to tell, actually. Nobody but Mom knows that she has this deep dark secret about brass sections. She LOVES them. All the songs she plays over and over have brass sections!)

So Brianna has been playing all this really special music, but she doesn't have too much of it, so it's getting annoying. Especially the brass sections. I'm not sure what I think of brass sections yet. What is "brass" anyway? Is it like grass?? Can I eat it??

She laughed at me the other day for barking at her radio. I don't know why she was laughing, there were people talking coming out of it (I don't get how that works?) and then her radio started barking! I was sleeping on her rug and just sat up and yapped at it. She was laughing hysterically. I don't see why! There was obviously a dog stuck inside her radio that I needed to go play with. I was very confused. She said "it's just an ad," but I don't know what that means, and she wouldn't let me go play with the dog in the radio! Can someone tell her that she wasn't being very nice? She wouldn't listen to me!

My people, you see, are all under the delusion that they are smarter than me. I hope they don't mind when I say that THEY ARE NOT.

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