
Friday, August 30, 2013


What is the point of a hashtag? Why is a little box made of lines called a hashtag? Hash is delicious meat -- not that I've ever had it, but I've smelled it. Trust me, its delicious. And tags are the clinky things on my collar. So when you put them together, you should get my I.D. covered in delicious meat. But you get a funny symbol that is, according to Brianna, supposed to go with numbers. It goes in front of words and phrases that are all lowercase and smushed together?? Why??? What does it mean?!

Ok, so I just Googled it. I guess it's supposed to show how you feel and everything, fast. But its just weird...

People, hello! Get a life and start listening to dogs! If you listened to us brilliant canines, you wouldn't make up bizarre things that make no sense, like hashtags! You would make up more hash!!! And give us more tennis balls and peanut butter!!! And BACON CHEESE STRIPS. I haven't had a bacon cheese strip in over a week!!! I'm freaking out!!!! I want one so bad, they're sitting up on top of the fridge and I think they totally forgot about them!!!

So hashtags are dumb and I won't use them. Ever. Only dumb humans use hashtags. On the other hand, hash IS delicious. Maybe I'll start using hashtags. Just because I like the idea of hash. And my tags. Mmmmmmm yum.

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